EKG Services for Your Pet in the Seattle, WA, Area
Do you detect an irregular heartbeat in your pet? Your pet might require an EKG. Turn to South Seattle Veterinary Hospital
for experienced and comprehensive pet EKG services in the Seattle, WA, area. Why Does My Pet Need EKG Services?The EKG procedure helps a vet understand what is happening with your pet's heart and diagnose treatment based on those results. An EKG is a machine with electrodes that attach to your pet's chest, knees, or elbows. The machine records the pulses of your pet's heartbeat and detects any irregularities with the heart's beat or rhythm. What Conditions Can an EKG Detect?An EKG helps diagnose any problem with your pet's heart. This often includes heart disease and can include conditions such as heart enlargement, side effects to the heart because of medicine, or irregular heart rhythms. How Can an EKG Help My Pet?An EKG detects when something is wrong with your pet's heart. This allows vets to further understand your pet's condition, give you an accurate diagnosis, and prescribe the right treatment. An EKG often complements x-rays or ultrasounds to provide you with the most thorough diagnosis of your pet's condition. Is an EKG Safe for My Pet?An EKG poses no health or safety risks to your pet. During the procedure, your pet will be in a comfortable and natural lying or sitting position. The electrodes cause no discomfort and are not a danger in any way to your pet's health. How Can South Seattle Veterinary Hospital Help?Our experienced vets can quickly perform an EKG on your pet, give you the results, and discuss a treatment plan with you. Our pet hospital is open 24/7, so whether you need an EKG during the day or night, you can bring your pet in for an appointment. Contact us now at 206-242-8338
for more information. We serve the larger Seattle, WA, area, including Bellevue.
11033 1st Avenue South Seattle, WA 98168 206-242-8338
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